Roadtripping Around the Western Cape: First Impressions of South Africa

Hallo! I’m currently writing this post from the cutest Airbnb in Cape Town after about a week and half of staying with my friend, Lynsey, and her lovely parents in the Western Cape. I’m sitting on fresh memories, a ton of blog post ideas to come, and over 1,000 photos to edit. This is my very first time in South Africa (and Africa!), so I thought I would choose a few favorite photos from our road tripping around the Western Cape to share with you all.

I’m extremely fortunate to be staying with a local who owns her own car and is on summer vacation, so I didn’t have to worry about renting or learning how to drive on the opposite side of the road.

Lynsey took me to quite a few different places throughout the week, but it was all the moments in between that I particularly loved. We stopped off on the side of the road to snap a particularly gorgeous mountain pic, went off road a bit more than her car, Sophia, was ready for, and just enjoyed the random bits of scenery.

The Western Cape reminds me a lot of the West Coast of the US– dry heat (sometimes up to 40C/104F), vast lands, distinct mountains, and, from what Lynsey told me, and an overall more relaxed vibe.

Here are some photos from our random trips, and hopefully they help you decide whether to plan a road trip around the area on your own South African adventure!

Sunset in Paarl
A little off-roading once the temperatures cooled down.
Playing around with my Sony 55-210 telephoto lens

If you pass by Wellington, be sure to drive out from the town a bit to get views over the wineries

Walk on the beach in Paternoster, which Lynsey told me means “Our Father”
Did you know there’s a mini Mykonos in SA? It’s this little area in Langebaan.

Spent my first week in South Africa road tripping around the Western Cape. Here are some of my favorite photos.

Lynsey’s parents took us on a little road trip via Clarence Drive…

Spent my first week in South Africa road tripping around the Western Cape. Here are some of my favorite photos.

The reason for our drive was…

If you can believe it, the Clarence Drive photos and the penguins at Betty’s Bay were taken within a few hours of each other! It was nice being a little chilly after day after day of 40C weather.

I have so much more to share, but I thought I’d start with a few photos in the meantime. The Western Cape is seriously one of the most beautiful places I’ve gotten to see, and I’m so glad I was able to take the time to go on little road trips and take in the scenery.

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